Terms of Use

The term “This Website” refers to the website located at the URL where this document is linked. “Organization” refers to the business or entity that this website is promoting. “The Webmaster” refers to the website’s designer.

By continuing to use or visit This Website, you agree to the following terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please stop using this site and delete any information you may have obtained. Review these terms periodically, as they may be updated at any time.


This Website is a public resource of general information and does not constitute specific advice for your situation or needs.

Photos and illustrations of products on This Website may not accurately reflect the actual products or services due to changes in design, appearance, color, etc., by manufacturers. This Website may use stock photos for dramatizations, examples, or design elements, so the people, equipment, and locations shown may not reflect actual individuals, equipment, or properties.

The information on This Website is subject to typographical errors and omissions. While the information is reviewed and believed to be accurate at the time of publication, no warranties or guarantees are made regarding its accuracy. The Organization and The Webmaster are not responsible for any typographical errors, omissions, or inaccuracies found on This Website.

The Organization reserves the right to refuse the sale of an item listed at an incorrect price due to typographical errors and may offer a refund instead. The Organization is not obligated to sell an item at a mispriced value, and The Webmaster is not responsible for such errors.

Accessing the Internet involves some risk. No guarantee or warranty is given that This Website will function as intended on all devices or be error-free and always available. While reasonable care is taken to ensure the website is safe and virus-free, no guarantee is given. It is your responsibility to safeguard against threats while using This Website. The Organization and The Webmaster assume no responsibility for issues, damages, or losses arising from using This Website. USE THIS WEBSITE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Using This Website on some devices may incur additional charges to your data plan. The Organization and The Webmaster are not responsible for any charges incurred while using This Website.

Copyrights, Patents, and Trademarks

Unless otherwise stated, the design of This Website, including graphics, logos, photos, scripts, videos, sounds, text, etc., is owned and copyrighted by Advertising Solutions, Inc. (a DE Corp.). All Rights Reserved. This Website may also include content owned by the Organization or other third parties. No content on This Website can be used, copied, downloaded, or reproduced without prior written authorization from all relevant parties.

Some technology, databases, scripts, and software found on This Website may be copyrighted and/or patented. Duplication and distribution are forbidden. All software and its output are owned by the original programmer and/or The Webmaster.

Logos, brands, taglines, and slogans are trademarks owned by the appropriate parties. This Website does not claim ownership of these trademarks or affiliation with the trademark owners.

Usage of Licensed Copyrighted Content

Some content on This Website is used under licenses secured by The Webmaster and must remain the property of the original owner. If This Website is transferred out of The Webmaster’s control, some licenses and rights may be compromised. The Webmaster keeps records of content under these special situations.

Limitation of Use of Content

No part of this website may be used without written authorization from The Webmaster and any other applicable third parties. This includes taking screenshots, photographs, or using any content found on this website.

Restrictions on Use of This Website

The following actions are prohibited:

  • Harvesting data or content from this website.
  • Using automated tools to download the website content.
  • Engaging in click fraud or site statistic fraud.
  • Using This Website in violation of any laws.
  • Displaying This Website in a modified frame.
  • Modifying or copying content without authorization.
  • Hotlinking to content on This Website.
  • Providing fraudulent information.
  • Impersonating any authority figure related to the website.
  • Using the site for competitive practices.
  • Distributing viruses or malicious code.
  • Circumventing security measures.
  • Submitting illegal or inappropriate content.
  • Sending unsolicited mail or contacting listed individuals without permission.
  • Disrupting the website’s functionality.

Community TOS / Code of Conduct

When participating in community areas, you agree to:

  • Not use This Website for unlawful purposes.
  • Not submit vulgar, hateful, unlawful, or harassing content.
  • Not harass or threaten other users or officials.
  • Not send unsolicited communications to other users.
  • Agree that submitted content becomes the property of The Organization and/or The Webmaster.
  • Not impersonate any authority figure.
  • Not post meaningless or disruptive content.
  • Not engage in spam or hacking activities.
  • Not post advertisements for other services or websites.
  • Maintain a respectful and clean environment.
  • Acknowledge that The Organization and The Webmaster have the right to manage and edit content and ban users.
  • Confirm that you are over the age of 13.

Accounts violating the Community TOS are subject to banning and deletion.

Anti-Spam / Unsolicited Email Policy

The Organization and The Webmaster prohibit:

  • Sending unsolicited email to any address associated with This Website.
  • Using This Website to harvest email addresses for spam.
  • Promoting products or services via email or contact forms.

The Webmaster reserves the right to block and report offenders to appropriate authorities and add them to global blacklists.

Violation of These Terms

The Organization and/or The Webmaster reserve the right to block and report offenders and add them to global blacklists. Offenders may be permanently banned from accessing the network.


This Website and The Organization are not affiliated with The Webmaster, nor does The Webmaster endorse any products or services advertised on This Website.

Limitation of Liability

The Webmaster is not responsible for any issues arising from your use of This Website. The Webmaster and The Organization are not liable for any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages resulting from your use of This Website.